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Structured dialogues: Youth/Green imPACT Structured Dialogues are participative processes whose aim is to improve the efficacy of public policies via dialogue with young people and civil society.

Structured dialogues: Youth/Green imPACT

Structured Dialogues are participative processes whose aim is to improve the efficacy of public policies via dialogue with young people and civil society.

Structured Dialogues seek to empower citizens, especially young people, in making public decisions through participation, helping to ensure that the policies created adapt to reality and prevent any future problems. 

Rubí was selected to participate in the Youth/Green ImPACT Project, an initiative by the European Commission’s Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency, which is done at a state-wide level by the National Youth Institute (INJUVE), framed within the Erasmus + Structured Dialogues programme.

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The aim of the project is dialogue between the city’s young people and the administration, to apply the European Green Deal at a local level. Its purpose is to improve the knowledge that youth have of the Green Deal, creating spaces for debate with their political representatives on the actions and measures that can be adopted, and strengthening their local and European civil participation capabilities.

The Green Deal is the European Union’s roadmap to achieve a continent with a sustainable economy, where greenhouse-gas emissions are no longer produced by 2050, economic growth is disassociated from the use of resources, and nobody and nowhere is left behind.

In Rubí, the aim of the Youth/Green ImPACT Project is for 700 young men and women from 13 to 30 years old to actively participate in obtaining these targets. To this end, five activities have been organised that will be implemented during 2021 that will rely on the involvement of different municipal services, as well as political representatives and European experts.


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