The event will be held at the amphitheatre in Castell Park (photo: Rubí City Council)

390 young people will complete the second activity in the Youth/Green ImPACT Project this Friday

Students from Duc de Montblanc, La Serreta and L’Estatut schools will meet in the amphitheatre at Castell Park to attend a dance and music show inspired by different environmental problems

Some 390 students from year one compulsory secondary from Duc de Montblanc, La Serreta and L’Estatut schools will close the Green Europe in the Neighbourhoods activity this Friday at the amphitheatre in Castell Park, framed within the Youth/Green ImPACT Project. This initiative by the Rubí City Council has been done within the European Commission’s Erasmus + Structured Dialogues programme and developed with support from the Spanish National Youth Institute (INJUVE).  

Green Europe in the Neighbourhoods employs fine and performing arts to raise youth’s awareness on the objectives of the European Green Deal. Last week, year one secondary students created some 20 murals related to climate change using recycled materials they had collected over the previous months. The artistic design and coordination for these workshops was done by the edRa Art & Design School.

The activity will close this Friday at the amphitheatre in Castell Park, where the students from all participating schools will meet to attend a performance that will symbolically represent the main climate challenges we are facing as a society. Four choreographies will be executed by the local dance schools Vuit Temps, Dinàmic Crescendo and The Community Dance Centre. There will be one joint show accompanied by live music by the Pere Burés Municipal Music School. The thematic murals created by the young students will become a backdrop and set for the show.

The Youth/Green ImPACT Project consists of five activities that will be implemented this year and will be centred on different youth groups. All of them focus on applying the European Green Deal in this region, by promoting dialogue between the young people and institutions. In January and February, the two sessions of the first activity were held virtually. 13- and 14-year-old boys and girls from the Adolescent Council and Rubí schools could exchange concerns and impressions on the European Green Deal with municipal politicians and European Parliament members. The event this Friday is the second project activity.