The mayor and councilman for City Promotion during the press conference (photo: Rubí City Council - Localpres)

The Youth/Green ImPACT project allies with the visual and performing arts to build a greener Europe

The amphitheatre in Castell Park will host the project’s first face-to-face activity on 28 May, with the participation of some 400 young people

A total of 390 year-one secondary students from La Serreta, Duc de Montblanc and Estatut schools have been participating since this Monday in the Green Europe in the Neighbourhoods initiative, the second activity in the Youth/Green ImPACT Project. This initiative by the Rubí City Council is framed within the European Commission’s Erasmus + Structured Dialogues programme and developed with support from the Spanish National Youth Institute (INJUVE).  

Green Europe in the Neighbourhoods employed fine and performing arts to raise youth’s awareness on the objectives of the European Green Deal. During these days, students from each school will create murals with symbolic designs related to climate change, using recycled materials they have been collecting for the past few months. Mural design and artistic coordination will be done by the edRa Art & Design School, which will guide and assist the youth in transferring their sketches to the mural.

The second phase of the initiative will be held on 28 May (12.30 pm) at the amphitheatre in Castell Park. It will bring together the student bodies from all participating schools in a live dance and music show, which will also symbolically represent the climate changes we are facing as a society. The 20 thematic murals created by the young students will become a backdrop and set for the show. Vuit Temps dance school will be performing a choreography inspired by the pollution of the oceans, while the Dinamic Crescendo school’s performance is related to deforestation and the Community Dance Centre will focus on noise pollution. Live music will be provided by the Pere Burés Municipal Music School.

The purpose of Youth/Green ImPACT is to establish dialogues among youth and the political class to then apply the European Green Deal locally. "To achieve this real and effective link between the youngest generations and institutions, we as politicians must make an effort to approach them, communicating directly with the boys and girls, and then adapting to their demands. That’s why this second proposal within the Youth/Green ImPACT has a fun and more entertaining focus, with the complicity of the municipal art and music schools,"explained Mayor Ana María Martínez Martínez.

"Art is once again revealed as a powerful tool for expressing human concerns, but also as a channel to reach everybody, whatever their condition may be, about that which is truly important. In this case, the urgent and pressing need for a more sustainable world," claimed the councilman for International City Promotion, Moisés Rodríguez Cantón, who related the proposal to the COLOR initiative and pointed out that art has the capacity to transform public spaces, but also to reflect and improve society.

The Youth/Green ImPACT Project consists of five activities that will be implemented this year and will be centred on different youth groups. All of them focus on applying the European Green Deal in this region, via this dialogue between the young people and institutions. In January and February, the two sessions of the first activity were held virtually. 13- and 14-year-old boys and girls from the Adolescent Council and Rubí schools could exchange concerns and impressions on the European Green Deal with municipal politicians and European Parliament members.